Advanced Post Production Techniques

Jovan | June 26, 2017

There are three component parts to any traditional video project, pre-production, production and post production.

Pre Production

This is the part of the project that takes place before the camera is unpacked. Pre production is the foundation that the video is built on, and will determine how successful the project will be. It includes all of the administrative elements like the agreement, budget, production schedule, and storyboard.  These are all really important aspects – and while perhaps less exciting than filming or editing – can’t be overlooked.


This is the process of gathering the footage in the production schedule, outlined in the storyboard, where the crew are on site with the camera equipment filming the shopping list of shots.

Post Production

This is the process of editing, and includes transferring the rushes (video files) from the memory cards to the hard drive, and backing them up. We choose the right shots, edit, embed audio files like voiceover and soundtrack, colour correction and any ‘other’ post production techniques. 

And that is what this blog is all about.

So on the eve of Wimbledon – and having seen an amazing Audi advert on TV – we thought we would explain some of the effects that have been used in layman’s terms. They are not just for huge, expensive production agencies, we do them too!

Wimbledon Video

This is the video for the Championships at Wimbledon last year, and we absolutely loved it when we saw it. The simplicity of the effects and the quality of the footage combined made for a video that screams quality. The beauty of the production is that there is an inherent series of references to the precision and detail associated with the championships.

While there is a voiceover, it doesn’t burden itself with ‘complexity’ but supports the narrative of the video, and it has been kept deliberately simple to allow the visuals to do the talking with the detail delivered with the effects on screen. 


Audi Video

Another video where this has only recently been used to great effect is the new Audi advert. The company are trying to explain that while you are driving, any number of technical calculations are being made by the vehicle to deliver a better, safer driving experience for the owner.

The car itself has been filmed in a traditional (and high end) way, using slow-mo effects, but then the real magic has been sprinkled in the post production phase where all the on screen effects have been added.

We wrote a full blog on these effects, which are delivered using something called camera tracking and motion tracking.  Ultimately it is a marriage of live footage and graphics created by using software (Adobe After Effects in this case) where a point on the footage is tracked, and graphics are anchored to it.

There are also several other effects that can be used such as on-screen graphics and rotoscoping (read the full blog and see examples for motion tracking and rotoscoping here).


Now, we fully accept that Wimbledon and Audi are global brands but the effects they use are available to all, regardless of budgets.  What separates us from our competitors is that we not only have the equipment to gather amazing footage, but also tremendous expertise and vision when it comes to the post-production phase. We can really add value to your video edit in a very cost efficient way.

Imagine how much more impact you can have with a video that uses highly visual effects, and what that says to your customers.  Imagine how much you can reduce the detail in a voiceover by using graphics and text that interact with the video production, and how quickly you can deliver your proposition to potential clients. Imagine the technical information you can imply if you are an engineering company, or even a legal firm. Imagine the possibilities, and how a video could look with the right people delivering it.

We have moved beyond video being the process of pointing a camera at something and pressing ‘record’.  For the best results, any company should be working with an agency that gives all three stages the time and consideration they deserve, the imagination to create something ‘different’ that will stand out and engage your customers and the technical ability to elevate the output beyond anything comparable when cost is considered.

If you want to know more about any stage of the video production process or our post production techniques, give us a shout and we’ll be happy to explain them in more detail.  Below is one such production that used a few advanced techniques to bring out the best for the viewer.


Holmethorpe Lagoons Motion Track Project from Square Daisy on Vimeo.



5 out of 5 stars

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Some pride flags with the word 'Diverse' over in bold letters

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