Category: Video

Shooting Video in Central London
Our client was a very cool app development house in the fashionable Carnaby Street area of Soho. The principle objective was to get across some core messages to their potential client base using footage of the office, people and area as a vehicle to show their credibility.
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Editing Rebuilt – with FCPx
Having edited on all the versions of FCP for eleven years I was so excited by this year’s great leap forward and bought my download on release day. Sneak previews looked amazing, and the promise of new tools and easier ingest for solid state cameras had me chucking my cash towards Cupertino with the faith that it would unquestionably be an advance in video post.

Tricky Brief – Creative Solutions – Great Edit!
The brief was to get soundbites from five talking heads who each had a very limited amount of time to deliver their bit and all the interviews were to be done in the same room which we only had for four hours. Tricky. So there is potentially the same backdrop for ten minutes of soundbites, no time for cutaways of the individuals to break up the edit and a pretty serious subject matter so no chance of funky motion graphics to spice the edit up. How can you make an edit that will be watchable?
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Pegasus Shoot
Here are a selection of images demonstrating how we make our business videos. Through a mixture of filming somebody talking about their business and a series of still of products, or services we can create something unique and engaging to help you sell. We also offer training and explainer videos.

How to Make Viral Videos
This post is all around how you can achieve additional reach for your video production beyond just the initial 'eyeballs' that you'll get from your networks. By leveraging other people's networks you can reach far more people, more efficiently. Do you know how to make viral videos?
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How does bread end up in a bag? – ANSWERED!
Have you ever been in the supermarket buying a loaf of bread and then thought to yourself, "who has the really rubbish job of putting sliced bread into must take ages!?" It's all automated and we managed to film the whole process for your benefit- a product video.
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Creativity at its very best
Sometimes you see a video that just blows your mind, which is beyond our capability but we can still appreciate the creative and technical accomplishment of it. This is one of those times and we want to bring it to you so you can appreciate it too!
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Aerial Demo Reel 2013
Here is some cool drone video footage which gives a great insight into what is possible with this new and accessible filming equipment.
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TECH TALK: Mounting Cameras to Cars
Mounting cameras to cars is something I’ve played with for ages. In the early ’90s I remember bolting a Super8 onto the bumper of my mate’s Beetle. After a few miles the mount worked itself loose and the camera swung upside down filming the road and the chassis - great shot, wish I still had it!
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We have now entered the world of drones!
One of the most exciting developments that we have seen in the video world is that of aerial filming. With drone technology becoming cheaper and more affordable, the ability to weave in aerial videography from drones into 'normal' edits is becoming more prevalent and can really help to make it stand out against the competition. We now have a drone and took it out for a spin last week!
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