TheirAfter is a service that allows people to record final words and leave a lasting legacy to their loved ones in the event of their death. Ben, who founded TheirAfter, experienced several tragic losses in a short time frame and as such thought there needed to be some way people could easily store videos and messages for the people they love the most, released to them only if the worst happens.
He wanted an animated explainer video that was touching and sentimental without being too sad or mawkish. As the topic of death is a sensitive one the branding and messaging had been carefully developed, and throughout their marketing website the imagery is hand-drawn doodles. We wanted the video to sit seamlessly within this scheme and created a suite of assets that really fits the look and feel of the brand. The characters are simple but have warmth and personality and the hand-drawn styling adds an edge of nostalgia and comfort to the video.
As TheirAfter is a SaaS product, it was important to showcase what the customer is getting for their subscription fee, so we recreated screens from the platform in a way that fitted with the rest of the imagery, and animated them to show a truncated demo.