Styles of Video
We can deliver a range of different styles, across any sector, for multiple uses.
Professional, effective, video production
We have a great team that are devoted, creative and friendly. We can produce filmed productions with advanced graphics applied so your video cuts through the noise and delivers that all important ROI. Alternatively we can conceive and deliver a highly effective animated production, making it easy for your customers to understand what you do and why it benefits them. Whatever your needs, we're certain that we can deliver.

Corporate Videos
Corporate video is an essential part of the marketing mix to engage and educate your audience. Our corporate video has evolved from people sitting in chairs talking about a company, to delivering a compelling narrative supported by sophisticated graphics and animation.
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Animated Videos
Animated video production is a really flexible way to showcase your product or service in a way that would never be possible through live production footage.
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Product Videos
If you sell a product, one of the best ways to enhance engagement is through a product video. Whether it is B2B or B2C, showing a product in use, along with its features and benefits can make a huge difference to the number of people that buy it and become loyal customers.
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Video Recruitment
Are you doing everything you can to engage with the best and brightest candidates and positioning yourself as an employer of choice? Video marketing is a must to win the war for talent.
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Explainer Videos
There are occasions when you need to explain your product or service so that customers understand how it is different to what they might be used to. Product explainer videos can be crucial in converting those viewers.
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Promotional Videos
Promotional videos 'promote' things. They are a great way to show off specific products, services and events in a very clean and concise way. As the message is not diluted with company information like with a corporate video production, promo videos are a very effective way of delivering targeted information to specific customer groups.
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Pitch Videos
The value of a pitch for a project or investment can be huge. To give yourself the best chance of success and stand out from your competitors use a pitch video.
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Event Videos
You may be running a conference, exhibition, party, sporting, charity or political event and want to showcase how impressive it is to increase uptake the following year. You might also want to live stream it to the web to engage more people. Whatever your objective, we can help you with events videos.
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Training Video Production
Getting the right staff is really hard. Keeping them is equally difficult. So training them to be better at what they do is a great way to increase staff retention. Training Videos are a great way to deliver bespoke training to your team in a cost effective and flexible way.
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Engineering Videos
For over a decade we have been helping engineering companies to create high quality and engaging video content for a raft of uses, all of which is driven by a focus on achieving the agreed objectives and a solid and measurable return on investment for our clients.
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Local Government & Economic Development
The pandemic has changed the way that we work, whether this is a medium term adjustment that will be corrected or it is a new way of working that is here to stay, is yet to be seen. One thing for sure is that businesses will still need a base, and showcasing your town, city or region as a place that helps create the conditions for them to flourish is essential, and video content is the perfect vehicle to do that in a dynamic way.
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Something Else?
We have eight core video styles that we use to help our clients find what it is they are looking for. Don't worry though, we do a whole range of other stuff which we've neatly stored under our 'something else' section! Take a look and see if they're more in line with what you had in mind.
Learn moreIf you've never worked on a video production before, find out more about the production process
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